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Be My Equine Valentine *Facebook Virtual Event*

  • Hay Burr Inn Rescue & Sanctuary 169 Black Hill Road Plainfield, CT, 06374 United States (map)

Be a Valentine to an Equine

Celebrate Valentine's Day with our beloved equines by donating and receiving a heart to adorn their stalls! For every $5 donation, a heart will be beautifully placed on the stall of your chosen equine. Your generous contribution will aid in providing continuous care for our equine friends. Each heart will feature the name of the donor or in honor of someone, and we will proudly display your heart during our live stream event.

Join us Virtually!

Join us for a virtual dining experience via Facebook Live from the Sanctuary. Discover which individuals are infatuated with each other.

You will be supporting the equines here at the Sanctuary and the Rescue to continue its mission of saving the lives of horses that are victims of starvation, neglect, abuse, bound for slaughter, or whose owners are unable to provide for their needs.

Earlier Event: February 15
Community Service Hours Opportunity
Later Event: March 15
Community Service Hours Opportunity