“Love horses, don’t own; become a volunteer!”
We're always looking for volunteers!
There are a variety of volunteer opportunities that allow people of all ages, abilities, talents, and experience levels to help the horses.
Though we can always use help with chores (such as mucking, brushing, feeding, walking, etc.) we are also always looking for people to help with building projects on the farm (barn additions/repairs, fences, etc.).
Also we are always in need of assistance for events, just sitting at a booth for a couple of hours or baking for a fundraiser is a huge help to us.
Not in town. We can still use your help. Help by writing Thank You notes, database entry, post events, assist with fundraising, recruit volunteers, grant writing and so much more!
No Experience Necessary! Great place for Community Service hours.

Upon submitting your application, you will be directed to schedule your interview.
If a minor, under 18 years of age, is applying, a parent or legal guardian must accompany for the first day volunteering at the farm. Must be a minimum of 14 years of age to volunteer.
Want to Help for a Day?
We are always in need of extra hands. Complete the one day volunteer form and email to volunteer@hayburrinn.org.
Open Volunteer Positions
Equine Caregiver
Assist with the daily care that the equines require. Ensure that the equines have basic needs met such as food, water and grooming. Ensure that the barn and outdoor spaces are clean and stocked with hay and water. Help with taking vitals. Be an advocate for the equines by assisting with fundraisers and events. (Learn More)
Time Commitment: Minimum of 10 hours for chores and 5 hours for fundraising each month. We encourage our volunteers the more you are here, the more you will learn and benefits bountiful!
Equine Trainer
Spend time with the equines, hone manners, exercise and support volunteers in working with equines. (Learn More)
Time Commitment: Same as Equine Caregiver with additional hours dedicated to working with the equines on a weekly basis.
Barn Care Mentor
Barn Care Mentor is a position for our youth volunteers. Barn Care Mentor is responsible for mentoring their peers in the care of the equines at Hay Burr Inn Rescue & Sanctuary. To be a Barn Care Mentor, the individual must be knowledgeable and competent in many areas concerning the equine and people. (Learn More)
Time Commitment: Same as Equine Caregiver with the expectation of doing an additional chore shift a week.
Grounds Keeper and Maintenance
We are looking for volunteers to help with the grounds appearance at the farm. Grounds keeper will be responsible for the plants, trail and the barn. (Learn More)
Time Commitment: 20 hours monthly
The role of Marketing volunteer will be to assist in promoting the rescue’s fundraisers and activities. The volunteer will be responsible for the website content, creating Facebook Events, applying for free ads through multiple platforms such as local newspapers and sites such as Kidtivity.com as well as creating supporting printing materials for the various programs currently occurring at the rescue. (Learn More)
Time Commitment: minimum of 5 hours a week dedicated to creating content and posting; additional hours when committees meet (Sundays either at 10:30 am or 4 pm) to provide support to the various programs at HBI and expected to attend fundraisers (on-site & off-site).
Office Assistant
The ideal candidate will be a hard-working individual able to undertake a variety of office support tasks and work diligently under pressure. This person will be comfortable working with a high degree of attention to detail and discretion. Ability to print, data-entry, schedule meetings are some of the responsibilities for this role. (Learn More)
Time Commitment: minimum of 5 hours a week. Expected to attend committee meetings and fundraisers.
Event Opportunities
Decorate Trail
If you are artistic or just like to make things look pretty, we are looking for your assistance. If you are able to move decorations when we need to switch to another trail event, we need help there too! This is great opportunity for groups to provide help to the rescue. We need volunteers to help in decorating our trail for these annual events:
Fairy Tale Scavenger Hunt - Open House
Christmas in July Light Walk
Haunted Trail
Winter Trail of Lights
No experience is necessary.
If you are interested, please fill out an Event Application indicating which event you want to help with and email it to: volunteer@hayburrinn.org.
Haunted Trail Actor/Cosplayer
If you enjoy dressing up and being part of the action, this is a great opportunity. Please note you must be respectful to the guests. There is no tolerance for any form of contact to anyone on the property. We do require our actors to be mindful of the various age groups. We are not looking to traumatize. This should be a fun, spooky walk through the woods for our guests. Read the instructions thoroughly on the form. Please complete the actor form to participate in this event and e-mail to volunteer@hayburrinn.org.
Filled Volunteer Positions
Volunteer Coordinator
The goal is to ensure that our organization is always staffed with the best and most reliable individuals, and that they are correctly utilized for the fulfillment of our mission. (Learn More)
Volunteer Trainer
This role is for an adult to provide support to our youth barn care mentors. The volunteer trainer will be responsible to ensure that volunteers know how to care for the equines in the barn and are able to provide support to the volunteers on how to access resources available to our volunteers. (Learn More)
Volunteer Features
Each month we take a moment to recognize a volunteer and ask them to share a little bit about themselves and their experiences here at the farm.
Check out some of the most recent features.
Volunteer Receives Certificate of Excellence Award from School
Here is her story:
My name is Isabella Deep. I am a volunteer at Hay Burr Inn Equine Rescue. Volunteering at Hay Burr Inn is my S.A.E. (Supervised Agricultural Experience) project for school. I attend school at Killingly High School, and I am a part of the agricultural education department in the school, specifically a horticulture/plant science major.
Hay Burr Inn helped me in so many ways. When I started volunteering, I was at a rough time in my life. Hay Burr Inn was and continues to be my safe place, a place where I know I am accepted. This wonderful rescue helped me get through the tough times, and always look at the positives. Over the four years I have volunteered at Hay Burr Inn, I have grown in so many ways. As a volunteer here, you improve on your communication skills by volunteering at events and talking with visitors. You also improve your skills with caring for horses.
Volunteering at Hay Burr Inn has been rewarding in different ways. In the year of 2018 Killingly High School’s Agricultural Education program started to give out awards for specific branches of S.A.E. projects. I received the first award for an equine placement volunteer S.A.E. There was an application process prior to receiving this award. I had to record all the hours I have volunteered at the rescue, write an essay on what I did, what I learned and my experiences, as well as my achievements and growth. I also had to provide pictures of me working at the rescue. All of the teachers of the agricultural program choose the person who gets the award out of all the people who applied. I was chosen as the recipient of the award, and greatly appreciate it. However, the most rewarding part about volunteering is knowing that you are making a difference and have a positive impact in someone’s life. Both receiving the award, and simply volunteering at Hay Burr Inn has changed my life because it has made me believe that I can achieve whatever I put my mind to.